The Turning Radius Test - How Locking Differentials Impact Cornering

The Turning Radius Test - How Locking Differentials Impact Cornering

Compared to an open differential, locked differentials and spools are the clear winners when it comes to offroad traction. That's why they're used in nearly every rock crawler (RC or otherwise). But this traction advantage comes with one big penalty: maneuverability.

By not allowing the left and right wheels to turn at different speeds, cornering will suffer as the vehicle understeers and wants to push straight regardless of how sharp the wheels are turned.

We engineered our Steering Fusion control system to monitor the intended steering angle as well as actual driveshaft RPM. Using this real-time data, we then automatically vector torque to simultaneously accelerate the outside wheel while decelerating the inside wheel. And we do this all while maintaining locker-like traction.

The difference in turning radius is clear. Sparc Drive lets you have your cake and eat it too. 


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